The following is still a known issue as of version
- [AS-16698] Dynamite slotted on the terrain tool can be activated by sensors and repeaters
- [AS-16660] In some saves, Sturdysquash may spawn inside of other Sturdysquash and Cauldrangeas may spawn inside of previous event spawns
- [AS-15017] Some players may have an older version of the EXO Request Platform rocket. To work around this, you can repackage and unpackage the EXO Request Platform.
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
- [AS-16675] Fixed a bug where auto arms would turn off if the item they were trying to grab was destroyed or otherwise made unavailable
- [AS-16667] Updated the Trade Platform hologram in the Research Catalog to use the new model
- [AS-16687] Fixed an issue where the Smiling Spookysquash wasn’t properly lit once fully grown
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