The brilliant crew of the ESS Elysium have been hard at work reverse-engineering glitched items and uncovering the recipes to create them. This newfound knowledge has now been integrated into the current A.M.P.P. event, allowing players to craft Resipound and Automaton 009 and use them to earn points and unlock rewards. 

Players on Nintendo Switch will not have access to the event until The Roadtrip Update (1.31.76) is available. Please watch our social media posts for announcements related to the Switch update.

New Recipes 

Event Points System 

Exchange the following resources at the EXO Request Platform to accumulate points and unlock rewards: 


EXO Dynamics rewards contributions with 

Incremental and Recurring Rewards 

Once you’ve completed all three milestones, continue to submit items via the EXO Request Platform to receive incremental rewards. These include: